Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Land-cover Affected by Flooding (Deliv. #2and 3, Week 3)

I had a major malfunction with this map. It was simple problem that I thought was a big problem. In the reclass step (ArcTools/Spatial Analysis/ Reclass/ Reclassify) I was entering everything correctly except how I was trying to save. I was just deleting the tail end of the file name and entering the new (reclandcover). I finally fixed the problem by clicking on the folder button at the end of the space and going through and placing the data where I wanted it that way and then typing in the new name. I have no idea why this small step fixed the issue, but this was one of the problems I had that took about 3 hours to fix. BUT I learned something so it wasn't a wasted 3 hours.

1 comment:

  1. I like the layout on this...how the graph is over the corner and the legend along the side. Looks nice!
